22 May 2010

Events of the past week or so:

And it was amazing. I'd post pictures, but, sadly, there are none. They wouldn't let us take any. I do have cups, a sweatshirt and the bag the sweatshirt came in as souvenirs/ proof.

2. I developed some semblance of a tan.
Unfortunately, only the front of my legs tanned, so I'm a bit uneven.

3. I finally finished Love in the Time of Cholera.
It's beautiful. I highly recommend it.

4. I was hit on by Captain America.
It made me feel patriotic, if not a little creeped out.

5. I witnessed my father drunkenly singing back to opera singers from our balcony.
Oh, and he only had on a t-shirt and underwear.

6. I found LSU fans.
They had corndogs. For real.

7. I accidentally started Hotty Toddy on the Jimmy Neutron ride.
No body else said it, but, hey, the ride operators asked if we were ready. What was I supposed to say?

20 days.


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